Course Syllabus
SPAN1411: Beginning Spanish I
Department of Foreign Language
Catherine Kraft
Online Course: SPAN 1411.NT1
Fall 2019
Office Location – Corsicana Campus – AB210 – 903.875.7453
Office Hours – MW 8:30AM-10:30AM / TTH 9:30AM-11:00AM & 12:15PM to 1:15PM / FRI 8:30AM-9:30AM
This course requires proctored testing.
Syllabus Available for download: Click HERE to open the syllabus document
- Description of Course
- Instructional Materials
- Student Learning Outcomes & Core Objectives
- Method of Instruction & Evaluation
- Details for Proctored Exams
- Grade Criteria
- Attendance & Preparation
- Drop Warning
- Late Work & Make-up Exams
- Final Exams
- Confidentiality & Mandatory Reporting
- Academic Integrity
- Classroom Policies
- Major Course Topics
- Institutional Policies
- Links to Tools & Resources
- Links to Important Information
Introduction, Rationale & Catalog Description of the Course
Beginning Spanish offers students the opportunity to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and to enhance Spanish/Latin-American cultural awareness. The rationale behind this course is to provide an effective encounter with the Spanish language, by means of a sound instruction, social interaction and hands-on experiences. Skills are emphasized by listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Emphasis is placed on practical vocabulary and the oral use of the language along with proper use of grammar and cultural information.
3 lec/2 lab (4 Cr.) Basic Spanish language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing within a cultural framework. Students will acquire the vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary to communicate and comprehend at the beginner level.
Instructional Materials
- Required Materials: (2 items)
#1--The materials required for this course are included in Cengage Unlimited, a subscription that gives you access to all your Cengage access codes and online textbooks for $119.99 per term, $179.99 per year or $239.99 for two years. No matter how many Cengage products you use, they are included in Cengage Unlimited, and the price stays the same. Purchase Cengage Unlimited at the Navarro College Bookstore Bookstore Contact Information: Corsicana Campus- 903.875.7387; Midlothian Campus- 972.775.7241; Waxahachie Campus: 972.923.6402
For additional Cengage support, please visit:
#2-- Additional Materials: Student video -and- audio recordings are assigned. Speakers, a microphone, and camera* are needed. A smartphone often has all of these items, so an additional purchase may not be necessary. *Should students elect to take proctored exams from home, a webcam is required. See below for details.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Engage in conversations using level-appropriate grammatical structures including narrating events that take place in the present and producing questions and responses on a variety of topics dealing with everyday life. Assessment is a verbal activity.
- Demonstrate understanding of level-appropriate spoken Spanish. Assessment is a verbal activity.
- Write simple sentences and organize them into short paragraphs. The third outcome assessment is a writing assignment.
- Read and comprehend level-appropriate texts. Assessment is a reading comprehension activity.
- Identify and discuss traditions, customs and values of the Hispanic world. Assessment is a cultural competency activity.
- Compare and contrast the traditions, customs and values of the Hispanic world with characteristics of their own culture. Assessment is a cultural competency activity.
Core Objectives:
Upon completion of the core curriculum, students are expected to demonstrate competence in all of the core objectives listed in the college catalog. The overall content of this course is designed to enhance skills in each of the following core objectives.
- Critical Thinking Skills - to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information
- Communication Skills - to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication
- Empirical and Quantitative Skills - to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions
- Social Responsibility - to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities
- Personal Responsibility – ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision making
- Teamwork – to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.
Method of Instruction
This is an internet-based course. Students must have regular access to a computer and a reliable internet connection, either on campus or in a personal setting, to complete all assignments. STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO SPEND A MINIMUM OF 5 HOURS PER WEEK READING, REVIEWING, COMPLETING ASSIGNMENTS, TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS COURSE.
Navarro College uses the Canvas Learning Management System to provide course materials and activities assigned by the instructor.
Please note some courses will also use materials provided by the Publisher, and require a student have an access code to access the publisher’s website in order to complete assignments, activities, and exams. Please see the Required Materials section of this syllabus to determine if an access code will be necessary for this course.
ACCENTS: Accented letters play a significant role in the Spanish language. It REQUIRED to use proper accent marks on all assigned items. As each device is different, it is the student’s responsibility to reference the device manufacturer on how to use accent and punctuation marks. (Google it!) Points are deducted for misspelled words and/or missing/misplaced accents and punctuation.
Method of Evaluation:
20% Lab Activities (MindTap)
MINDTAP—to satisfy the one-hour lab credit for this course, students complete assignments in the MindTap program. If the activity allows for multiple attempts, the highest grade is recorded. The MindTap semester average is posted in Canvas.
30% Quizzes & Minor Exams ( Quizzes; Minor Exams, Essays)
QUIZZES – timed assessments: include multiple choice, matching, and true-false questions. Students who exceed the time limit by more than one minute earn a ZERO grade. MINOR EXAMS – essays over assigned topics.
50% Major Exams (25% Video Logs; Oral Exams; Cultural Slide Show / 25% Proctored Midterm & Final)
VIDEO LOGS – video messages students create in Canvas and/or upload to Canvas. ORAL EXAMS – conversations between the student and instructor, via telephone and/or webcam. Students use the Canvas scheduling program and are responsible for calling in accordingly. Remember: STUDENTS call in on their scheduled day/time. The instructor will NOT initiate the call. CULTURAL SLIDE SHOW—creative PowerPoint slide show that addresses specific aspects of a Spanish-speaking country’s culture (group project).
PROCTORED MIDTERM & FINAL EXAM** (see details below) – timed assessments of chapter objectives that include matching, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice questions. Students who exceed the time limit by more than one minute earn a ZERO grade. Midterm covers chapters Preliminar & 1; the final exam covers chapters 2 & 3 (takes place during the College’s final exams period.)
TECHNICAL ISSUES: Contact instructor IMMEDIATELY if there is a technical issue. A re-set will be provided if there is time, but a re-set is not guaranteed. Activities will NOT BE RE-OPENED after the close date. None of the following will result in extended or make-up dates: calls or emails, technical issues, illness, participation in school-sponsored activities. Participation in school-sponsored activities will not result in extended or make-up dates unless the school-sponsored activities take place during the entire period of time that an exam is available.
Details for Proctored Exams
Students are required to take the midterm and final exams in a proctored environment. Notes, books, dictionaries, websites, or any other outside resources are not permitted. Take exams during the range on the Calendar in Canvas.
There are TWO OPTIONS for taking proctored exams—
OPTION #1: Take proctored exams at a college or university testing center--
NC Testing Centers Students can test at any Navarro College Test Center location. Schedule an appointment at least 24 hours prior to the day you wish to test. Bring a photo ID. Adhere to all Testing Center policies (see links below)
Navarro College Testing Center locations and contact information
Navarro College Testing Center Policies and Procedures
Proctored exams at OTHER locations** Students located outside of the range of Navarro College testing centers should take the following actions NO LATER THAN 14 DAYS from the start date of the semester:
- contact a local college testing center (or, for Dual Credit students – the high school’s testing center)
- download the Navarro College Proctor Agreement Form (ADD LINK HERE!!!), and submit it to the proctor
- have the school’s proctor submit the completed form within 14 days of the first class day: send to – or – use the Inbox in Canvas to deliver a scanned copy to the instructor
- **WARNING: These centers may charge a fee. Please consult the center for testing fees.**
After verifying testing center and proctor, the instructor will submit instructions for proctoring exams. All arrangements for testing are the student’s responsibility and must be made within 14 days of the first class day to be considered valid. Late requests for test proctor approval and arrangements cannot be guaranteed
OPTION #2: Take proctored exams from home with LockDown Browser + Webcam Requirement**
**FEE: There is an annual subscription fee of $15 for this service. You will be prompted for payment when taking the practice quiz.**
This course requires the use of LockDown Browser and a webcam for online exams. The webcam can be the type that's built into your computer or one that plugs in with a USB cable. Click the following link to learn more: Respondus LockDown Browser (ADD LINK HERE!!!).
Grade Criteria
Grade Criteria will conform to the established policy of Navarro College as stated in the College catalog: A=90-100%; B=80-89%; C=70-79%; D=60-69%; F=59% or below.
Attendance & Preparation
Regular (daily or weekly) online work is a key element for student success in an internet-based class. Students must complete the first assignment by the designated deadline to document participation in the course. The instructor will drop any student who fails to complete an assignment by the deadline provided in Canvas.
Drop Warning
In this online course, attendance is assessed by completion of assigned activities. Failure to complete three or more consecutive assigned activities in Canvas is considered EXCESSIVE and MAY result in being dropped from the course. The student will receive a written notice of the impending withdrawal and must act immediately in order to prevent withdrawal from the course.
Although the instructor MAY withdraw a student from the class for insufficient participation the RESPONSIBILITY for dropping a class belongs to the student! Insufficient participation is defined as not logging in and completing assignments for the equivalent of two consecutive weeks. If you are unable to complete the course, you should formally drop it.
- Additional information regarding attendance requirements is available in the Navarro College Catalog.
- You may drop this class by completing an online form. It is the student's responsibility to visit with his or her instructor concerning course status before submitting the required paperwork to the Office of Admissions and Records to drop this class. Additional information about dropping a class may be found in the Navarro College Catalog.
- Failure to withdraw by the deadline may result in your name remaining on the class roll, resulting in a grade of ‘F’ at the end of the semester.
- A student who foresees educational issues related to pregnancy, postpartum recovery, or other physical or mental health matters is strongly encouraged to notify the College as soon as possible. By doing so, the student and College personnel can collaborate and develop an appropriate plan for the continuation of the student's education. Pre-planning when possible also may help with particular challenges a student faces while pregnant, when recovering from childbirth, or in response to a physical or mental health concern (e.g., missed classes, make-up work). The choice to inform the College of any health concern is voluntary. A student is not required to share this information with the College. A student may choose to consult a College counselor or the Office of Disability Services before deciding whether or not to disclose any health related information.
- If you are receiving financial aid grants or loans, you must ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE in all classes FROM THE FIRST CLASS DAY. Do not drop or stop attending any class without consulting the Financial Aid Office. Changes in your enrollment level and/or failing grades may require you to repay financial aid funds.
- All students receiving Veterans Administration (VA) benefits must notify the Veteran’s Certifying Official of any enrollment changes as soon as they are made. The Veterans Affairs benefit recipient needs to be aware that the VA may require repayment of all benefits received since the beginning of a semester for any course in which a “W” grade is received
- According to current Texas law, dropping a course may have serious academic consequences. Under most circumstances, a maximum of 6 courses may be dropped throughout the entire undergraduate degree program. Before you decide to withdraw from this or any other course, make sure you understand the consequences. For more information, see the Office of the Registrar.
Late Work & Make-up Exams
Late Work/Make-Up Exams: All course activities have set deadlines. Students can complete most items* (see exceptions below) in Canvas after the due date, at a reduced grade. Late work incurs a 10% per-day grade deduction*. (*See exceptions)
*EXCEPTIONS to late work policy:
NO LATE WORK is accepted once the final exams period (according to NC schedule) begins. Prior to the start of the final exams period, the following applies-
PROCTORED EXAMS**: Students are NOT permitted to take proctored exams after the posted deadlines. (See Make-up exams policies below.)
MINDTAP: Students should complete lab activities on or before posted due dates.
BONUS POINTS/EXTRA CREDIT: No late extra credit or bonus points activities are accepted in this course.
DISCUSSION BOARD: No late discussion board entries are accepted.
**Make-ups are ONLY available for proctored exams in the following emergency situations: a) death of an immediate family member, b) serious illness or accident requiring a physician's care, c) official college-sponsored event (as noted above), or d) observance of a religious holy day (as certified by college policy.) If a student misses an exam - and the absence is deemed excused by the instructor - the student may request a make-up date. All make-up proctored exams require documentation
Final Exams
Final Exams: Students are required to take final exams during the posted final exam week and should not make travel reservations or other plans which would require them to request a rescheduled final. Requests to take final exams early, or at a time other than indicated on the final exam schedule, must be approved by the appropriate Executive Dean and are granted only in exceptional circumstances. Personal or family travel plans are not deemed as exceptional circumstances.
Confidentiality & Mandatory Reporting
Confidentiality and Mandatory Reporting: Students may choose to share personal information or experiences, as appropriate, in written assignments, class discussions, presentations, and conferences with instructors. While instructors and other college employees will strive to keep personal student information private, they are required to report information about sexual misconduct, childhood abuse, and criminal activity to the proper authorities. Students may speak to someone confidentially by contacting NorthSTAR Mobile Crisis at 1-800-260-8000 or the Navarro College Licensed Counselor at 903-875-7393.
Course Content and Rigor: College-level courses may include controversial, sensitive, and/or adult material. Students are expected to have the readiness for college-level rigor and content.
Email: All Navarro College students are required to use their Navarro College email to correspond with instructors and other Navarro College personnel.
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity: Students are expected to do their own work at all times. Cheating is a serious offense with serious consequences which may include any of the following: a grade of zero, course failure, or removal from a program.
IMPORTANT--Your work should be consistent and ORIGINAL TO YOU ONLY. Students must act with integrity and honesty by producing their own work and/or giving appropriate credit to the work of others.
In this course, students are NOT permitted to collaborate with outside resources such as Spanish-speaking friends and/or native speakers OR translation tools (Google translate, etc.) of any kind to complete assigned work and/or exams. Practicing with a friend/family member for an oral exam or looking up the meaning of a word are acceptable forms of help. Having a Spanish-speaking friend or family member supply answers for an activity/exam is NOT permitted. CONSEQUENCES: if it is suspected that a student may have submitted work that is not 100% unique to his/her ability level, the instructor may require an in-person meeting. At that time, the student will be required to verify that the work is uniquely his/hers by completing additional assignments and/or answering context-related questions. Until/unless proven otherwise, A GRADE OF ZERO will be recorded for the assignment(s).
Cheating is suspected if any aspect of a student’s work is inconsistent and/or strikingly similar to that of another student. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: 1. Copying any form of academic work from another person (This means YOUR work should be UNIQUE TO YOU ONLY… even if you are taking the course with a friend or family member); 2. Submitting in your own name papers or reports completed in part or in whole by another; 3. Submitting your own original work toward requirements in more than one class, without permission of the instructor(s); 4. Giving your work to another student who then submits it as his/her own; 5. Sharing answers with another student without express permission from the instructor; 6. Using any outside resource…including translators (online translation service, app, website, notes, texts, etc.) for any/all assigned work without instructor’s permission; 7. Collaborating with another person on any assigned activity for the course without express permission of the instructor; 8. Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting or soliciting, in whole or in part, the contents of any academic work prior to its being administered; 9. Substituting for another student, or permitting another person to substitute for oneself, to take a test or prepare other academic work; and 10. Stealing and deliberately using ideas or writings of others without giving credit, in writing, to them (plagiarism).
Classroom Policies
Classroom Policies: All students enrolled in online classes shall follow the tenets of common decency and acceptable behavior conducive to a positive online learning environment. Behavior deemed by the instructor to be disruptive may result in the student being dropped from the course.
Pointers: Keep it G-rated. -- Proofread before submitting anything. -- Address your instructor in a professional manner (not by first name).
Subject to Change: The Course Syllabus and/or the Course Calendar may be changed as the term progresses at the discretion of the department and/or instructor.
Major Course Topics
Major Course Topics:
Capítulo Preliminar: ¡Mucho gusto! -- Greetings & meeting people / Numbers 0 to 30 / Subject pronouns & ser / The verb form hay / Question words / The alphabet
Capítulo 1: En una clase de español -- In the classroom / The colors / The university campus / Academic courses & foreign languages / The time & days of the week / Definite & Indefinite Articles, How to make nouns plural / Present tense –ar verbs
Capítulo 2: En una reunión familiar -- The family / Physical features & personality / Nationalities / Numbers 30 to 100 / Possession with del & possessive adjectives / Common uses of ser / Agreement with descriptive adjectives / Present tense –er & -ir verbs / Common uses of the verb tener
Capítulo 3: El tiempo libre -- Leisure-time activities & sports / Places in & around town / Months & seasons / Gustar / Ir / Verbs with irregular yo forms / Saber, conocer & the personal a / Expressing dates & weather with hacer & estar
Institutional Policies
Institutional Policies: The below links to the College Catalog, Student Handbook, and specific College policies and/or procedures provide more detailed information. Students are expected and required to have read the Student Handbook and to consult appropriate sections of the College Catalog for general academic information. Additional links to Canvas and WebAdvisor are provided below.
Links to Tools & Resources
Tutorial Services |
Library |
OneStop Service Desk |
Self Service |
MyNC |
Student Support |
Disability/Access |
NC eLearning |
Tutoring NOTE: In addition to Navarro College tutoring services, students also have access to free 24/7 tutoring by visiting UpSwing ( and logging in to their UpSwing account. If you're a new user, click NEW USER to create an account.
Disability Services: It is the responsibility of the student to contact Navarro College Disability Services Office to request accommodations. Information on how to process this request may be obtained by clicking on the following link: The instructor is committed to helping each student reach his/her academic potential and to providing every student equal opportunity to participate in and engage with the course. In keeping with this commitment, effort has been made to develop accessible learning materials that provide equal access. Please contact the instructor immediately if access to course materials is restricted due to a disability so the issue(s) can be resolved in a timely manner.
For Assistance with Canvas, or Issues Relating to your Online Course, please contact: Matt Miller, Dean of Online Instruction Phone: (903) 875-7422 Email:
Links to Important Information
Academic Decorum |
Academic Integrity |
College Catalog |
Campus Safety |
Student Rights & Responsibilities |
Student Handbook |
Canvas Student Guide |
Course Calendar: The course calendar is available below.
<END OF SYLLABUS: back to top>
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |