• Due Aug 13, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 10
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Planetology Quiz

Pictures & Charts to Practice Planetology Skills


Greetings student.  You’ve been exposed to the basic tenets of the science of planetology (study of planets, moons, asteroids, and comets) through course lectures, readings, and assignments.  The purpose of this quiz is to provide you with the opportunity to put those skills to use before you begin your service as a exogeologist.

Keep in mind that our understand of far away worlds is informed by what we understand about our home planet.  Also, what we learn on other worlds helps us to understand our Earth better. That is the goal of studying other bodies in the solar system, to gain a holistic understanding of how planets are formed, how the work, and how they evolve over time. 

This quiz is setup for multiple attempts and you will be provided feedback when you get a wrong answer.  The point is to not simply test your knowledge, but to help you hone the skills of observation and detection that you brought to this class in the first place.  Now, let’s go where only our space probes have gone before!  

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