LAB 05 - Stellar Parallax
- Due Jun 30, 2023 at 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Questions 5
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
LAB 03 - Stellar Parallax
In this lab, you will calculate the distance to several stars using the parallax method. You will be given the parallax angle to several stars in the sky. To convert this number to parsecs, all you have to do is divide the provided angle into 1.
The parallax formula is as follows:
For example, consider the star Proxima Centauri which has a parallax angle of 0.772.
To convert this to distance to parsecs you do the following: .
Therefore, the star Proxima Centauri is 1.295 parsecs from our solar system.
You can learn more about the parallax method for determining the distances to nearby stars by watching the following video:
You will have a total of three attempts on this lab. Your highest grade will be recorded in the gradebook.